• Balance Board

    The brain and the eyes work together to create a visual experience. On one hand, the eyes send signals to the brain, which allows it to translate that data into visuals; on the other, the brain sends signals to the muscles attached to each eye, controlling their movements. If anything disrupts these

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  • Corrective Lenses

    Corrective lenses are used to correct deviations, adjust focal points or neutralize other anomalies that impact the eyes’ ability to focus an image on the retina. To do this, the lenses must be the correct type and of the right power. Strength – which is expressed as diopeters – relies on the material

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  • Training Devices

    Visual-motor-sensory integration training uses various devices to appeal to a person’s senses, including touch, sound and smell. This type of therapy is particularly useful in children with autism. Devices may include play dough, rubber toys, weighted bells and blankets, water, rice, sand, beans, musical

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  • Cawthorne-Cooksey Exercises

    These exercises are mainly used at home and range from simple head and eye movements to performing more complex activities like throwing a ball or focusing on a stationary object while the head is moving. While moving one’s head and tossing a ball sounds easy enough, they are not simple tasks for persons

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  • Keep Your Eye on the Ball: How Vision Therapists Use Marsden Balls to Help Their Patients

    A Marsden ball might not look very impressive, but this little ball offers big benefits for athletes and children affected by strabismus, ambylopia and other conditions. Marsden ball exercises are just one of the techniques that vision therapists use to help patients make better use of their vision. What

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  • Electronic Targets

    Automated targets with timing mechanisms not only show the optometrist how the eyes move in the beginning of treatment – when eye problems have yet to be fully addressed – by strategically positioning the targets, but they give weak eyes a necessary workout. By moving the eyes around to focus on

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  • Therapeutic Lenses

    Contact lenses, or therapeutic lenses, are thin lenses that are placed on the surface of the eye. While some wear them for cosmetic reasons, their primary function is to correct and improve vision problems related to refractive errors, act as a protective layer in patients with eye injuries, reduce discomfort

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  • Filters

    Optical filters carefully transfer light in a specific range of wavelengths or colors while obstructing what remains. These dyed plastic or glass devices are placed in the optical path. They are described by their frequency response, and this identifies how the scale and stage of each frequency component

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  • Directional Sequencers

    This device integrates all of the senses used for learning. It is one of the basic instruments used for visual-motor training, and helps with direction, rhythm, eye-hand coordination, and work and shape recognition. It consists of an aluminum case with illuminated membrane switches organized along a

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  • Amblyopia

    Amblyopia, commonly called lazy eye, refers to the improper development or significant loss of vision in an eye. It occurs when the brain does not acknowledge the images seen by the amblyopic eye. Amblyopia Causes Amblyopia occurs when an individual cannot use binocular vision (both eyes working together)

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  • Marsden Balls

    Here, a ball with letters, numbers, colors, pictures, or a combination is hung from the ceiling. In activities used to help focus visual attention, the individual may be asked to concentrate on a figure while bunting the ball with a rod, or hitting or catching it with their thumbs, palms or fists.

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  • Syntonics

    Known also as optometric phototherapy, syntonics deal with the application of selected visible-light frequencies and are used to treat lazy eye and problems with peripheral vision and depth perception. By applying particular visible-light frequencies through the eyes, syntonics can improve vision. This

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  • Blurry Vision

    There are many potential causes for blurry eyes. The answer to why you have blurry vision is best answered by your eye care professional, who can offer diagnosis and prompt treatment so that your vision does not get worse. Some conditions that cause blurry vision are easy to treat, but others require

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  • Double Vision

    Double vision, also known as “seeing double” or the medical term diplopia, is the perception of two images of a single object. This occurs when two nonmatching images are sent to the part of the brain that processes visual input. Over time, the brain eventually begins to compensate for this misinformation

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  • High Order Aberrations

    In an ideal world, everyone would have perfectly-shaped eyes. The reality, however, is that practically every eye has some form of aberration somewhere in it. These aberrations may or may not cause vision problems, but don't be too surprised if your eye doctor informs you that you are having difficulties

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  • Hyperopia (Farsightedness)

    An eye condition affecting roughly 50 percent of individuals who need glasses, hyperopia (commonly called farsightedness) is characterized by difficulty focusing on nearby objects while being able to see objects at a distance properly. Hyperopia occurs when your eyeball is too short or when your cornea

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  • Myopia (Nearsightedness)

    Myopia, commonly called nearsightedness, is a refractive error of the eye, meaning that the shape of the eye or its cornea improperly bends light as it enters the eye. This hinders your ability to focus. Myopia is the most common refractive error of the eyes, and is caused by several factors including

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  • Ocular Migraine

    The name conjures up pain, but ocular migraines are less about headaches and more about a vision problem. Ocular migraines are temporary visual disturbances that can last up to 30 minutes. This condition can affect one eye or both eyes simultaneously. An ocular migraine does not typically cause pain

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  • How the Eyes Work

    Every morning, we open our eyes and become immersed in a wealth of visual information. The eyes and related brain structures are a complex system that allows us to experience visual information from the surrounding world. It is easy to take clear vision for granted, but even subtle changes in the structure

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  • Protecting Your Eyes

    Of our five senses, humans rely on vision most strongly. Our everyday experience of the world is colored by our ability to see, our memory draws heavily upon visual information, and many activities of daily living are challenging without sight. As a result, it is essential to protect your eyes from damage.

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  • Convergence Insufficiency

    Does reading exhaust you or cause eyestrain and headaches? A vision disorder call convergence insufficiency may be responsible for your symptoms.

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  • Contact Case Cleanliness

    Do you remember the last time you replaced your contact lens case? Keeping your case too long may increase your risk of an eye infection.

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  • How Nighttime Vision Can Change

    Has driving or reading at night become more difficult? Your problems may be due to changes in your nighttime vision.

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  • Video Games Offer Important Vision Therapy Benefits

    Video games aren't just a pleasant diversion. In fact, they may help you improve your vision during vision therapy.

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  • Does Reading in the Dark Affect My Eyesight?

    Did your mom ever tell you that you'd ruin your eyes if you read in the dark? Find out if the myth is true.

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  • Can Vision Therapy Help Improve Your Reading Abilities?

    Wondering what you can do to improve your reading skills? Vision therapy may offer an answer.

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  • Four Eye Diseases and Conditions Related to Aging

    These common age-related eye conditions can affect your vision.

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  • Hand-Eye Coordination and Sports Performance

    Does your poor hand-eye coordination keep you on the sidelines? Vision therapy may help improve your sports performance.

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  • How Your Mind Affects Your Vision

    Want to improve your vision? Focusing on your mind may help.

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  • How Blue Light Affects Your Sleeping Patterns

    Is your smartphone or laptop preventing you from getting enough sleep?

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  • How To Use Wolff Wands

    Do you have trouble focusing on near objects? A simple vision therapy tool may help clear your vision.

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  • How to Make Your Child's First Visit to the Optometrist a Success

    Worried that your child may be uncooperative during his or her first visit to the optometrist? These tips will help make the visit a positive experience.

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  • What is Surfer's Eye?

    Are you at risk for surfer's eye? You don't need to be an avid surfer to experience this problem. This condition may occur if you spend a lot of time outdoors.

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  • Vision Therapy Helps Motor Skills and Visual Perception

    Have trouble reading or playing sports? Improving your motor and visual perception skills with vision therapy may help.

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  • Makeup Tips for Sensitive Eyes

    Do your cosmetics make your eyes water and burn? Try these makeup tips for sensitive eyes.

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